The Czechs: 1968 – How Dubček capitulated in Moscow

Češi 1968 - Jak Dubček v Moskvě kapituloval

August 1968. The intervention of the armies of the Warsaw Pact finally stifles the Prague Spring. Its leaders depart for Moscow, to parley with the invaders to resolve the situation; the President of the Republic, General Svoboda; the head of the Communist Party, Dubček; the Prime Minister, Černík; the Chair of Parliament, Smrkovský; Husák, Mlynář and other sorry and dubious heroes of this tragic moment face the most difficult decision of their lives. How will they face up to things?


Text: Pavel Kosatík, Images: Karel Jerie
Cycle: The Czechs (6)
Genre: Comics
Year of publication: 2016
Number of pages: 80
In Edition ČT published by Česká televize and Mladá fronta

ISBN: 978-80-204-3696-2

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