The Czechs: 1992 – How Mečiar and Klaus split up the country

Češi 1992 - Jak Mečiar s Klausem rozdělili stát
The Czechs: 1992 – How Mečiar and Klaus split up the country

When people were out on the squares in November 1989 jingling their keys, hardly anyone would have guessed that one of the first major outcomes of the revolution would be the disintegration of the State they had in common.  What was it that had held it together, in fact, if freedom caused it to break up? And how did the breakup happen, given it took so many people on both sides by surprise? The story of the two nations is depicted as the story of an older and a younger brother. The older one is so sure about the younger sibling that he is to some extent deaf to what the other is saying.






Text: Pavel Kosatík, Images: Dan Černý
Cycle: The Czechs (9)
Genre: Comics
Year of publication: 2015
Number of pages: 80
In Edition ČT published by Česká televize and Mladá fronta

ISBN: 978-80-204-3500-2

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